Bust of Hippocrates
Title: Hippocrates Bust
Latitude: 43.66
Longitude: -79.39
Medical Sciences Building
This bust of Hippocrates is located in the Medical Sciences Building at the University of Toronto. The lines used are a combination of linear and curved lines. The lines are extremely soft as they create his robe and pectoral muscles and are strong throughout his face. The bust creates a triangular shape, as the volume of the figure is quite heavy at the bottom and very light on top. The triangle shape is further enhanced as the shoulders and arms point out and create the triangle shape. The shape of a triangle makes the bust appear to be powerful and sturdy. The bust is larger than life size and sits high on the podium, above eye level. The artwork is also very stiff and has little movement due to the linear lines in his garment and his torso. The text that is surrounding the artwork is a decorative element that helps the viewer understand the significance of Hippocrates throughout the field of medical science. The surface of the bust is very smooth although texture is present in Hippocrates' hair. While stylistically the bust is very geometrical, it is still considerably lifelike. His clothing creates asymmetry but his facial features and the torso itself are symmetric, creating a very stiff figure.
Hippocrates was born on the Island of Cos, which is off modern-day Turkey, around 460 BC. His father was a physician-priest, as treating illness was seen to occur by supernatural causes. Hippocrates was known as the founder of medicine as a rational science. He freed the idea of medical care from magic and superstition. He believed the body’s well-being was composed of 4 humours: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. Diseases occur when these humors are in excess or defect, to heal meant to return to humoral balance. He disagreed with a popular belief system, the Cnidian School of Thought. This stated that the body was a collection of isolated parts and the disease affected only those areas specifically, therefore only those parts would be treated. Hippocrates disagreed saying that the body was a unified organism and must be treated as such. He placed great emphasis on exercising and strengthening the body’s inherent resistance to disease and also treated the patient, not just the disease. He had a very holistic approach and was like a typical modern day physician: wise, caring, and compassionate. He was responsible for the Hippocratic oath that all doctors must take.