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Sir Frederick Grant Banting

Title: Giants of Biomedical Sciences

Location: Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research

Artists: Veronica De Nogales Leprevost, Edwin Timothy Dam

Date 2006

Latitude: 43.659912

Longitude: -79.392775


This bust of Sir Frederick Grant Banting is found in a collection of other busts, all connected through scientific discovery. Located in the University of Toronto's Faculty of Medicine, Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research, unveiled in the same year of the new building's inauguration. The purpose of this work is to display the achievements of these alumni scientists in the context of the university, where students are also working towards this common goal of achievement. The piece itself follows a tree-like design, with the heads of all the scientists emerging from a single-stemmed base that expands outwards towards the top of the sculpture. This could be a representation of the birth of a scientific idea, transforming into so much more once it gains support and funding. It could also show the growth of each of these individuals into the esteemed doctors, and their collaborative roots. The busts are high up above the ground looking over the head of the viewer, with their gaze staring off into the distance, unbroken by any obstruction also showing this determination that they had to change the medical world. They're also all presented wearing lab coats, drawing attention to the importance of their profession in this piece.

The sculpture of Sir Frederick Banting himself is presented right in the middle of the piece, in the front row, drawing the viewers focus. This suggests his importance in the community and of his discovery of insulin, which has and continue to aid the lives of so many individuals around the world. Horizontal lines are used on his forehead to accentuate Banting's age, representing him in his older life after his discovery, rather than in his youth. This gives an air of intellect and wisdom, but it also seems to focus more on the greatness of his achievement rather than the energy that drives change itself. When students look up at the imposing busts and read their accomplishments, it inspires them to strive for excellence, and the nurtures the desire to make a change by studying medicine at the university.


Sir Frederick Grant Banting (November 14th 1891-February 21st 1941) was a 20th century doctor native of Alliston, Ontario who was best known for his major contribution to the discovery of insulin in 1923. Banting studied medicine at the University of Toronto. He was an honorary member of the class of 1917, but his graduation was moved forward to 1916 so that more doctors could aid in the war in Europe. Following his military service, Banting settled in London, Ontario and set up his own medical practice while teaching physiology at the University of Western Ontario to gain extra income. On October 31, 1920, Banting formulated a hypothesis aimed at one of the internal secretion of the pancreas, which could potentially have led to a cure or a treatment for diabetes. Banting brought this idea to Toronto, where he met with J.J.R Macleod, a professor at the University, and they began their research with the help of C.H Best.

At first, the experiments reaped meager results, showing a grim future for the team of experts. Macleod, however, approved of an expansion of the research team and further experimentation, which led to the team’s discovery of insulin in the winter of 1921-2, a chemical compound naturally produced by the pancreas which is deficient in diabetic patients. Insulin was an instant success in the treatment of diabetes and has improved the lives of people attained with this condition and has improved the scientific world’s understanding of the digestive system. He received the Nobel Prize in 1923, in recognition of this achievement. At age 50, Banting died during active service due to an airplane engine failure. A time capsule was constructed in his memory, which is not to be opened until mankind finds a cure for diabetes.

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